Air Pollution

3 Pollution Control Challenges for Baking Operations

Even though the United States has been leading the way in pollution control and emissions have continued to drop since the passage of the Clean Air Act, various industries such as the manufacturing of food products still results in…

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The Challenges Surrounding Air Pollution Abatement

It’s no secret that air pollution is extremely dangerous for both the general public and the environment. This is one of the reasons why the Clean Air Act of 1970 was established in the first place – to help…

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Clean Air Health Benefits & The Cost of Pollution

Today, private companies and entire countries are obsessed with progress and technology. Industrialization and the expansion of urban areas are often regarded as logical advancements, but they also generate a myriad of secondary effects that may potentially outweigh their…

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Types of Catalysts in Catalytic Oxidation

Catalytic Oxidation is one of the many options you have when looking at air pollution control systems at your facility. Catalysts are used to reduce the oxidation temperature, resulting in lower operating costs through the reduction of fuel needed…

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Difference between Thermal and Catalytic Oxidation

There are many paths to pollution control. Depending on your industry, exhaust outputs, manufacturing size, and more, you have many options available when looking at pollution control systems. Notably, however, modern pollution control solutions utilize one of two methods…

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  • Catalytic Oxidizers Low Temperature Emission Control
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    Need Low-Temperature Emission Control? Enter Catalytic Oxidizers

Need Low-Temperature Emission Control? Enter Catalytic Oxidizers

Volatile organic compounds and other air pollutants are produced in industries such as printing, paint manufacturing and various coating processes just to name a few ( Because of this, organizations and entities such as the EPA have set regulations…

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The Science of Pollution Control: Destruction Efficiency

As we continue our Science of Pollution Control series, we would today like to look at another important consideration in pollution control: destruction efficiency.
What is Destruction Efficiency?
Destruction efficiency is, in simple terms, the effectiveness to which an oxidizer (VOC…

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The Science of Pollution Control: Energy Recovery

As we continue to go through some of the basics of VOC Abatement, discussing some of the basic math and science surrounding the process, today, we would like to turn our focus on something that your accountant might enjoy—energy…

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  • VOC Abatement for Food Manufacturers
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    Choosing the Best VOC Abatement System for Food Manufacturers

Choosing the Best VOC Abatement System for Food Manufacturers

Since the 1970s, food manufacturing facilities are responsible for controlling their dangerous gas emissions. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are some of the most common pollutants food factories and bakeries generate, and can severely hinder the environment if released into…

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Science of Pollution Control: Understanding Flammability

No matter the industry, manufacturing is a combination of sciences (and scientists) working together to convert raw materials to products. Everything is measured and controlled, and if something deviates from the norm, the inputs are modified to achieve maximum…

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